Lynmiss Developed Organic Cotton Menstrual Period Panties
Jun 21,2023
Lynmiss developed physiological womens underwear to hear how well our designers have designed it with soft organic cotton, stretchy, breathable, leak-proof polka dot cotton fabric (to ensure you're always protected). It's also highly absorbent – its moisture-wicking snap panel can hold two tampons. It's also antibacterial and deodorizing, and to verify this, our R&D team, tried it on for themselves to let us know how well we did. Read on to hear what they thought after trying it on!
About the washing organic cotton menstrual period panties
Su : "Easy! At first it scared me to wash my organic cotton menstrual period panties with my other clothes. I've washed and worn this organic cotton menstrual period panties countless times and it's still intact!”
Winki: “I don't have much trouble when it comes to washing clothes together, so organic cotton menstrual period panties is great with my dark clothes!”
Jancy: Short and heavy flow, “After a few wears, my organic cotton menstrual period panties is still intact and works great.”
The biggest surprise about organic cotton menstrual period panties…
Alyson : “I think the most surprising thing about this cotton menstrual period panties is that, in theory, it looks like it fits almost like a diaper, but once you put it on, you realize that it really is like a regular, full-wrap panty – much smaller than I thought it would be. I guess I was also a little worried I’d feel like I was on my period all day, but in fact, it wasn't even noticeable! It really absorbed so well!”
Mandy: – “I was amazed at how well the cotton menstrual period panties absorbed and never felt bulky or uncomfortable. I was initially worried about leaks, but the underwear never leaked!”
Sylvia : “I was very surprised at how light, flexible, highly absorbent and effective the cotton menstrual period panties was! I was amazed and delighted.”
On how this organic cotton menstrual period panties made them feel #fantastic…
JULY: “I have a very short and large flow, so – not to be dramatic – but this organic cotton menstrual period panties has changed my life! I wear it day and night as extra protection. I always feel safe and don't worry about leaks, even if it just feels like you're wearing regular underwear – not bulky padding! Recommend it to every woman I know!”
Jessie: “I've worn tampons all my life and let's face it, sometimes it's not comfortable. I feel confident that I finally found a comfortable solution for my organic cotton menstrual period panties, and it definitely makes me feel real”
YUNA:Moderate to Mild “This organic cotton menstrual period panties made me feel comfortable and confident during those tough days.”
On when it's best to wear this organic cotton menstrual period panties…
mango “I've always wanted to try a better option for the planet. I tried menstrual silicone cups, but they were never comfortable. I was worried it would make me feel like I was wearing pads, but I never felt that way. I feel organic cotton menstrual period panties very comfortable! I love it and I think it's perfect.”
NINA: “I like to wear organic cotton menstrual period panties overnight. It's very comfortable to sleep in and I don't have problems with leaks!”
JANICE: “I think it's best to wear this organic cotton menstrual period panties when I work at home and also when I sleep in it. It's comfortable and you don't feel like you're wearing a period product!”
On top of everything else…
MOMO: “Overall, I'm glad that Lynmiss is taking steps to provide a solution to protect the planet. Seriously, who would have thought Lynmiss would make me feel good about myself and help the planet.”
“This organic cotton menstrual period panties is definitely worth a try! I know menstruation is a very personal thing and it's hard not to be skeptical of a product like this, but it does work! It's absorbent, hygienic, and hides undetectably under clothing. I'm so glad I tried these underwear because I now know that having a period doesn't mean being uncomfortable!”“I was hesitant to try this product, but now I'll be recommending it to all the women I know! I think women and girls are hesitant to try new things, but I urge everyone to give it a try – this organic cotton menstrual period panties is amazing!”
Washing instructions
1. First, hand wash in cold water.
2. machine wash the lingerie cold on a delicate cycle using a mesh bag/laundry bag (can be washed with other clothes!) .
3.Tumble dry on low temperature.